On 11-22-10 @ 10:00 we had the first taping of our show! Surprisingly it went FANTASTIC! Everyone at MCTV Studios worked so well, and we so supportive and helpful! My first show was about adopting children from state foster care. I had 2 guests, both from the Massachusetts Adoption Resource Exchange (M.A.R.E.), Ruth Bodian & Ricardo Franco. They did great, especially considering it was all done without any type of rehersal! They were very informative! I would love to have them back! If anyone wants to contact Ruth or Ricardo, their contact number/email address is on the M.A.R.E. website at: http://www.mareinc.org/ . On their website they also have a photo listing of a few of the HUNDREDS of CHILDREN waiting to be adopted here in Massachusetts. Check it out! -Mike Blanchette-
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AuthorMichael Blanchette; Founder, Host, & Executive Producer of "The Adoption Option Project". Categories |